Our 3 Best Performing Lead Magnets Responsible For £1,366,775 In Revenue!  

We’ve created literally HUNDREDS of lead magnets over the years, and one thing is for sure…

A lot didn’t actually work!

But there are 3 lead magnets that we found worked incredibly well to:


      • Create high quality leads

      • Position us as the authority in our industry

      • Generate INSANE revenue 

    And they’re yours to steal!

    So with no further ado, here are the 3 lead magnets that have been responsible for generating £1,366,775.

    #1 The PDF Checklist

    Of all 3 lead magnets you’re going to learn about here, this is by far the easiest one to create and execute.

    And, there’s a few different ways you can go with this.

    Essentially, the PDF Checklist is exactly that.

    A checklist.

    It’s a document that gives people the steps required to achieve a certain result, or avoid possible errors that could hinder getting a result.

    For example:


        • The top 5 ways to generate high quality leads


          • The 7 biggest mistakes when making discovery calls


            • The 3 simple steps to losing fat, fast


              • The 5 deadly sins to avoid when it comes to email marketing

            You get the picture.

            Now, here are some tips and tricks when it comes to creating a checklist type lead magnet:

            Firstly, you really need to understand your audience.

            You need to know what they’re trying to achieve and how they’re currently going about it.

            Then you can align with the strategies they’re currently using and show them how to do it to guarantee the results they desire.

            But you also need to consider loss aversion

            As human beings, we will do much more to avoid failure than we will to succeed.

            We’d rather learn what it takes to avoid making mistakes, then we would know what we need to do to win.

            As an example, from a psychological perspective, we’d be much more drawn and enticed by “The 3 biggest mistakes when buying a boiler” than “The 3 top tips when buying a boiler”.

            Make sense?

            This doesn’t mean ALL your lead magnets should always be aimed towards loss aversion, but certainly use it in your arsenal.

            #2 The ‘Free’ Book

            In this day and age, it is much easier to become a published author, which is great.

            It’s an amazing way to build your credibility, showcase your expertise and be seen as an authority figure in your industry.

            But in my experience, far too many people think they can generate an income like J.K. Rowling with their book and so end up losing almost all its benefits.

            Here’s what I mean…

            You’ve done the incredible job of writing a book and becoming a published author.

            Because of all that hard work (which it is by the way) the sunk-cost fallacy kicks into gear and you think “I’ve put all this work into this book, that I must make money from the book sales”.

            This is a BIG mistake.

            The truth is, unless you’ve written a bestseller (and not an Amazon best seller, which anyone can get) you’re not going to make money from book sales.

            As bad as it sounds…

            Not enough people will want the book to warrant it making the money you need to retire on a yacht!


            Use it the right way, and you could generate a lot of money off the back of it.

            Here’s some tips on how to use your book as a powerful lead magnet:

            By all means go for Amazon best seller status to begin with, as it can add credibility, and it does look kinda cool when you share it with people.

            But then after that 24hr window it’s time to stop driving traffic to your book on Amazon, here’s why…

            When someone purchases your book off Amazon, you get no information about them at all!

            All you see is that you made X number of sales.

            Not that useful!

            What you need to do instead, is create a landing page that offers the book for ‘FREE’.

            It is genuinely free, but you do ask for them to cover the cost of P&P (we’ve tested this and we found that a good price point was £2.80).

            When doing this you’re now collecting a LOT of details about your prospects.

            Which means you can now advertise to them via email, SMS, direct mail etc for your products and services.

            And this is how you turn your book into money.

            Pretty exciting stuff!

            The great thing about this lead magnet is that you’re sending people something physical in the post, so they get something of huge value and thus creates a large amount of trust, credibility and reciprocity.

            Which in turn means people are much more receptive to your follow-up promotions.

            #3 The Free Challenge

            This final lead magnet checks quite a lot of boxes:


                • HUGE value

                • Time building trust and rapport

                • Increase in credibility and authority

                • Relationship building

                • Problem solving

                • Ability to make quick high value sales


              This one takes a lot of work to pull off.

              Unlike a book, this is something you’d create for the sole purpose of generating leads.

              When you first start writing a book (in most cases) you’re doing it more for you and to get your knowledge down on paper to share with the world.

              But the free challenge is all about lead generation and sales in one foul swoop!

              Here’s what it looks like:


                  1. Daily 30-60 minute sessions where you give tonnes of value over the course of 5 days (doesn’t have to be 5, but this is what we’ve found works well for us).

                  1. Daily communication, answering questions, adding more value to the group and building better relationships with prospects

                  1. Opportunity to pitch your product or service once you’ve added plenty of value 

                This may be oversimplifying the whole process a bit, but ultimately, it’s one of the very best ways to build an audience and make many sales in a short period of time.

                Here’s some pointers about running your own challenge:


                    1. You must come up with a topic you know your ideal clients will want to learn about

                    1. We recommend using Facebook to run your challenge

                    1. Use Zoom to deliver the daily training so you can see people and interact face-to-face with them

                    1. Sell a mid-ticket product/programme (we sell our 3 day Mastermind Intensive for £995 +VAT)

                    1. Commit to giving lots of value and build relationships in the group as much as you can

                    1. You don’t need hundreds of people to make this work

                    1. Use your first one as a test to figure things out

                    1. Get people into your first one organically and when it works, consider paid advertising to get more people in

                  The thing I love most about this lead magnet in particular is that it shortens the time frame from lead-generation to sale.

                  Because you’re spending 5 days with everyone, you’re building a lot of trust much quicker than it takes with just normal follow up from a lead magnet, so people are much more primed to take the next step to working with you.

                  You can promote, run and sell within a two week period, which is a pretty fast turnaround for multiple sales.

                  Hope you’ve enjoyed learning about our best 3 lead magnets and I hope you can take some inspiration from at least one of these, so you can go away and generate some fresh leads for your business.

                  Of course, when it comes to monetising your lead magnets it’s all about how you approach your marketing, the process for your follow-up and of course having a compelling offer that adds massive value to your audience.

                  If you’d like more of our help with marketing, follow-up and creating compelling offers then you should come and join us at the office for a 1 day training called the Marketing Accelerator.

                  Go to the link below to check out the Marketing Accelerator:

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