‘Stuck In A Funnel You Can’t Get Out Of’ a U2 parody

How much have you been studying over the last 12 months?

This week I’ve spoken to loads of people who have invested £1000’s in online training programmes over the last 3 Lockdowns.

The more I hear of this…

The more I compare them to being like eels in a barrel.

Aggressive marketing, the kind that uses red energy,

Has got them in a marketing funnel they can’t get out of!

They’ve done all the training and courses, so they FEEL like they are making progress…

BUT they’ve got no money coming in,

They’ve convinced themselves they need:

The truth is, this post isn’t about me,


In the first 6 months of the Elite Closing Academy, we made multi 6 figures with no website, funnel or automation.

It was all based on the ability to have ‘human to human’ interaction, to speak to prospects to find out who ACTUALLY needs what we do.

And then rather than looking to solve it before they have actually paid for it…

Present a solution and then close them into that solution (it HAS to be result based).

It has to get a result for another human being.

BIG SECRET: business’ are made up of human beings, not bricks and mortar!

With that said, There is no substitute for a great offer.

If it solves a painful problem… people are going to want it, even if:

I know I’ve made that sound really simple but here is what you need to do to make it a reality.

These 3 things you can do right now, so grab a pen and paper (or however you take notes).

#1 – Get your strategy right

Don’t think that you can just buy your way out of not being able to sell and close.

It’s the system you need.

And at the beginning of the system, there has to be a vision of the results that others get with you.

You need to start with the end in mind.

Ask yourself:

“What is the end result that other people get with you and your business?”

And then get that into your marketing, and into your message.

Start there, and make sure it’s an organic message before it’s an automated one.

#2 – Be careful who you get your information from

Somebody came to my training the other day and told me they’d hired a business coach on a 12-month contract for something like £12k.

They told me that after £750+vat and listening to me for 3 days, they have to go back and tell their business coach they’re wrong.

To put it plain and simple…

If you need to tell your business coach they are wrong you are getting the wrong information.

Please check people out and look for success.

Make sure they can get you the result.

Do the research and make sure they have a track record of getting results for others.

If someone is telling you that you need “scaling systems” to build a £10k a month online client business.

Then they’re wrong and are going to sell you something you don’t need.

It comes down to:

Package a good offer.

Learn how to sell and close.

I’m not telling you to not invest in people but please be aware of what funnels you are in.

A lot of them use aggressive marketing tactics and it’s all about your pains and your problems and all that is ‘red energy’ stuff.

Watch out for the sharks out there.

#3 – Don’t make it all about money

Just the other day I had a gentleman in the fitness industry who was selling his 90 programme for £247 come to my training.

No-one was buying.

He was advised by his business coach to do a 6-week programme at £147 instead, as his other program was ‘too expensive’.

As I told him…


The price of your programme is almost never the problem.

It’s also not even about your product.

People don’t want your:

They want the joy of looking at an old picture and not recognising themselves.

They want to look in the mirror and be happy with what they are looking at.

They don’t want to take their top off and feel embarrassed or silly.

They don’t want to put clothes on and think “oh god, these don’t fit me anymore, I’m too big”.

They want the outcome.

They want the result.

It’s about the life-changing results you get for people.

Losing a stone in a month is worth hundreds of pounds to people.

You just need to package it the right way.

I’m not just spouting of for the good of my health so I hope this blog has impacted what you focus on and what you value!

Now you’ve heard my hot take, what is the 1 action you are going to take after reading this blog?

I’m excited to hear what your thoughts and feedback are!

I’m passionate about this stuff so if you need help please reach out to one of my team.

Matt 🦔 


If you haven’t already got my bestselling book ‘Open With A Close’ for free (just cover the £2.80 postage) then click the link below